Recent Changes To International Law
Modern International Law attempts to reverse the earlier traditions of European imperialism. The United Nations Charter requires members not to threaten, or use force, against other States.
Member states with responsibilities for non-self-governing territories, like former colonies, are required to advance them towards self-government.
International Law now also deals with the human rights of individuals and of peoples. Two particularly important principles are found in the United Nations Charter itself, and in other, more comprehensive treaties. One of these principles is that "all peoples have the right to self-determination". This means they are entitled to choose their own political status and to develop their own economic, social and cultural destinies.
The other principle forbids discrimination on the basis of race, colour, sex, political or other opinion; and also if discrimination is based on language, religion, or any other status, like national or social origin, property relationship, or birth.
These days, the international community is no longer a small European club, and one of the most dramatic developments of the twentieth century has been the break-up of the old European empires, and the "decolonisation" of hundreds of millions of people around the world.
The Western Sahara Case
Africa, Brennan, Justice Gerard, International Court of Justice, occupation, terra nullius, Western Sahara case
An Expression Of Sovereignty
Jun, 3, 1992
High Court of Australia, Mabo judgement, native title, self determination, self-government, sovereignty
Australia In The Eyes Of The World
Australia, Australia, Australian International Relations, human rights, indigenous people, International law, national identity, native title, social justice
A Sacred Landscape
aboriginal property ownership, anthropology, Australia, clans, dispossession, kinship, land ownership, religion, sacred
The Laws Of Malo
indigenous law, Malo's laws, Malo-Bomai, Meriam culture, Meriam history, Murray Island, religion, sacred, sacred