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Where do I start?

Mabo - The Native Title Revolution website provides more than 200 audio-visual materials with supporting information on Native Title, the historic case known as Mabo and related subjects such as Land Rights and Terra Nullius.

The film Land Bilong Islanders online film provides an overview of Mabo and Native Title and is a great place to start. The film can be viewed in 20 chapters of typically less than 2 minutes long, or watched in its entirety (37 minutes).

To watch the film

Select The Mabo Film - Land Bilong Islanders online film from the navigation menu at the top of the page.

Select Entire Land Bilong Islanders online film from the bottom left of the screen to view the entire film OR select a chapter from the list on the left.

To start, select Click to Play.

How do I explore this site?

Mabo - The Native Title Revolution can be explored by browsing the site's Subject and Topic pages, all of which contain related text, video and audio presentations.

The subject headings are listed in the navigation menu at the top of the page, i.e. Mer or Terra Nullius.

To select a subject click on the relevant heading. (Hint - holding mouse over word will explain what the subject is about.)

The subject page will open with a general outline and More Information - a detailed list of all text, video and audio presentations related to the subject Click on the heading to view.

Each subject is broken down into related Topics. These are shown in a list on the black left hand bar on the page.

To select a Topic click on the heading.

Each Topic page includes a video presentation, general information statement and More Information - a detailed list of all text, video and audio presentations related to that specific Topic. Click on a heading to view.

To return Home at any time, simply click on the word Mabo at the top left of the screen.

How do I search this site?

All information on the site can be sourced using keywords on the Find menu.

To begin your search, select Find from the navigation menu at the top of the page.

Using the 'A to Z' menu click on the first letter of the keyword that you are looking for.

This will show you all information relating to that keyword on the site.

All information under a keyword will be sorted according to Topic, Image, Text, Audio and Video.

How do I get teachers notes and other supplementary material?

Click on For Teachers at the bottom of the page for details.

Can I use this material for other purposes?

Materials on Mabo - The Native Title Revolution website are for educational use only. For any other purpose, you must first seek approval from Film Australia or the attributed copyright holder.

Click on ©2008 Film Australia at the bottom of the page for details.