The Case Begins!
On the 20th of May 1982, the plaintiffs' statement of claim was lodged at the Brisbane registry of the High Court of Australia.
It had taken months of legal, historical and anthropological research to distil this legal document from the claims made by Eddie Mabo and the other plaintiffs.
It was finally ready, and its filing marked the formal beginning of a case that would change the legal and political landscape of Australia forever.
It would be a long journey to justice; the Murray Islanders and their lawyers would struggle for ten years against the resources of the Queensland and Commonwealth Governments.
...he was crucial...
Image and Text
Mabo Case, Mabo, Edward Koiki, Mabo v Queensland No.1, Meriam culture
...since time immemorial...
annexation, Land Bilong Islanders, Mabo v Queensland No.1, Mer, Murray Island
...The Statement Of Claim...
Blackburn, Justice, Castan, Ron, claim, evidence, inheritance, Meriam Mer, Moynihan, Justice Martin, Murray Island, plaintiffs, Queensland
Land Bilong Islanders - Mabo
Great Northern expedition, land ownership, Mabo Case, Mabo, Edward Koiki, Malo's laws, Mer, Meriam culture, Moynihan, Justice Martin, Murray Island, sea rights
Mabo Case Commences
claim, High Court of Australia, Mabo Case, Mabo, Edward Koiki, plaintiffs
The Mabo Case
High Court of Australia, International law, Mabo Case, Mabo, Edward Koiki, terra nullius
We Can Take The Government To Court!
Aug, 1981
conference, Kennedy, Flo, Mabo Case, Mabo, Edward Koiki, Passi, Reverend Dave, Sharp, Dr. Nonie, Townsville
Statement of claim - amended statement
Image and Text
Jun, 1989
claim, claim, High Court of Australia, land ownership, Mabo Case, Mer, Statement of Claim