The Age Of Paternalism
After Federation in 1901, the new Australian nation declared itself a white monoculture.
The new Federal Parliament introduced a "White Australia" policy excluding non-white people from immigrating to Australia and planned to introduce complete "colour segregation".
This was done in the name of "protection", and a series of parliamentary Acts were passed to completely control the lives of Australia's two indigenous peoples; Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders.
Protection Acts in Queensland were initially designed to segregate and supervise indigenous groups.
However, in the 1920's and thirties, moves were made to extend Protection powers to other people, including the descendants of Pacific Islanders, born and living in the Torres Strait Islands.
The new Federal Parliament introduced a "White Australia" policy excluding non-white people from immigrating to Australia and planned to introduce complete "colour segregation".
This was done in the name of "protection", and a series of parliamentary Acts were passed to completely control the lives of Australia's two indigenous peoples; Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders.
Protection Acts in Queensland were initially designed to segregate and supervise indigenous groups.
However, in the 1920's and thirties, moves were made to extend Protection powers to other people, including the descendants of Pacific Islanders, born and living in the Torres Strait Islands.
activism, exile, Mabo, Edward Koiki, Mer, Mer, Murray Island, Murray Island Council, pearling industry, Torres Strait
Removal of Murray Island School
Jan, 30, 1903
Mer, Queensland Government, school, Stars of Tagai
...Living under the Protector...
Audio and Image
Chief Protector of Aborigines, Kennedy, Flo, Mer, Queensland Government
...king without a crown....
Mer, Meriam history, Murray Island Council, Passi, Sam, Protection Act