Government Authority
On July 18, 1879, the Governor of Queensland, announced the annexation of the Torres Strait Islands, on behalf of the British Crown.
Four months later Captain Pennefather made an official voyage through the Strait aboard the Queensland Government schooner "Pearl" to inform the islands' inhabitants of their new and subordinate status.
Four months later Captain Pennefather made an official voyage through the Strait aboard the Queensland Government schooner "Pearl" to inform the islands' inhabitants of their new and subordinate status.
Crown Land
colonisation, doctrine of tenure, indigenous Australians, International law, native title, New South Wales, sovereignty, terra nullius
Proclamation of Annexation
Jul, 19, 1979
annexation, colonisation, crown land, doctrine of tenure, land ownership, Mer, Queensland Government, terra nullius
...the laws of the white man...
Dec, 19, 1879
annexation, colonial rule, crown land, Erub Island, european contact, Flinders, Matthew , Kebisu, Murray Island, pearling industry, Tutu Island
Murray Island Annexation
annexation, colonisation, conquest, International law, Mabo Case, Mer, Murray Island, Queensland, terra nullius