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...He's got no claim for this land...
Depoma, Marwer, evidence, inheritance, Land Bilong Islanders, land disputes, land ownership, Sebeg, witnesses
Letters of E.K. Mabo to Mr. Marwer Depoma
inheritance, land boundaries, land ownership, Mabo, Edward Koiki, Sebeg, witnesses
Napoleon B. Tibi
Keon-Cohen, Bryan, Land Bilong Islanders, land boundaries, land disputes, land ownership, McIntyre, Greg, Mer, Murray Island Council, Sebeg
...Meriam challenges to the plaintiffs' claims...
Depoma, Marwer, evidence, Mabo, Edward Koiki, Malo's laws, Meriam Mer, Murray Island Native Court, No Ordinary Judgement, Passi, Reverend Dave, plaintiffs, Sebeg, Sharp, Dr. Nonie, witnesses