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Fejo v Northern Territory (1998)
...Land, society and culture...
Australian Court Case, Fejo v Northern Territory (1998), legal pluralism, Mabo judgement, Northern Territory, recognition, Walker v NSW (1994)
...The implications of overseas law for native title in Australia...
Image and Text
Australian Court Case, Britain, Canada, Delgamuukw v British Columbia, Fejo v Northern Territory (1998), International Court Case, International law, Kirby, Justice Michael, Mabo v Queensland No.2, New Zealand (Aotearoa), Queensland Government, Supreme Court of Canada, United States of America
Fejo & Freehold
aboriginal law, crown land, extinguishment, Federal Court of Australia, Fejo decision, Fejo v Northern Territory (1998), High Court of Australia, Larrakia, native title, Northern Territory, Wik