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Benefits to indigenous peoples
Indigenous people may be able to develop industry and resources on their own land, by themselves or through outside investment. The right to negotiate over development is likely to lead to agreements with resource developers that will secure incomes, jobs, infrastructure and all the benefits that flow from investment in the community. For example, there is also potential for the development of business enterprises to service developments and there have been discussions of joint venture and equity agreements. For others, the economic gains will be cultural gains as well. For a great many, native title will be found to have been extinguished but the recognition that native title has given to the legitimate claims of Indigenous peoples will have a continuing impact.

Access to lands and resources for subsistence and ceremonial purposes feed into the cultural practices and transmission of knowledge that are important aspects of Indigenous peoples relationship with the land.

Apart from the direct economic and social opportunities that may accrue to some communities, native title has brought a sea change in the relationship between Indigenous peoples and the non-indigenous community that cannot be reversed. More than ever, that relationship is based on respect for Indigenous peoples' law and culture. The community is now more aware of Indigenous peoples continuing connection with their traditional lands.
Keywords: aboriginal law, benefits, coexistence, human rights, industry, self determination, 1992-

Author: Strelein, Lisa