Native Title Representative Bodies

Native Title Representative Bodies are recognised under the Native Title Act in order to provide representation and support to native title holders and, in particular, applicants. They must be approved by the Commonwealth Minister on the basis of representativeness and satisfactory performance of the functions of a Native Title Representative Body. Their functions under the Act include: the facilitation of research and preparation for making an application for a determination of native title, or compensation for acts affecting native title; to assist in the resolution of conflict among individuals and groups involved in the application process; and to represent those groups, if requested, in negotiations and proceedings related to native title. Native Title Representative Bodies may also enter into certain kinds of agreements.
Under the 1998 amendments to the Native Title Act, the role of Representative Bodies has expanded to include the authorisation and certification of applications as being representative of the group on whose behalf they are made.
Keywords: Native Title Act (1993), Native Title Amendment Act, 1998, Native Title Amendment Bill, native title claim, 1993
Author: Strelein, Lisa